We all occasionally crib about work (especially, after a long weekend). But do you dislike it so much that if given a chance, you’d swap your job with the next person that crossed you? Or maybe you’re just generalising work as something that is unpleasant because everyone around tends to do the same.
Research shows that very often disappointment with one’s workplace is due to one specific factor and not because every aspect of the job is bad; but as the human tendency goes, we concentrate on the negative trigger and forget the other perks of the job.
Here’s a list of ten positive signs that you’re in the right place. If you’re reading this at work and find yourself agreeing to most of them, maybe you should take a moment and smile at everyone in the office – it’s not that bad after all!
1. You like the job even if you didn’t study for it
You studied accounting and here you are sailing through perfectly fine in your sales job. And what’s more, you pretty much enjoy it too (apart from those days when it’s too hot to go out). A lot of people don’t end up getting the job they studied for; but if your company is assisting you to tackle your new role, what’s there to complain about?
2. You have co-workers you call ‘friends’
Colleagues play an important role at the workplace. Think about it — out of all your waking hours, you spend about eight hours a day in their presence doing important tasks. It would be quite unpleasant to have to work with people who you don’t like and vice-versa. From small talks during coffee breaks to dining together on weekends, colleagues eventually become close friends. And if you have at least two of them at your workplace, you’re good to go.
3. You’ve been promoted/gotten a raise recently
Climbing the career ladder is a driving factor for anyone who’s in the corporate world. It means you have been acknowledged, appreciated and rewarded for your efforts. If your company has a well-defined career path which they honour, they’re definitely looking into your personal development too.
4. You have reasonable working hours
This means having a good work-life balance too. Yes, maybe we all have to give in to those occasional late-nights but as long as your work doesn’t encroach on your ‘me time’ otherwise, it’s acceptable.
5. You have a good boss
Having a superior who lacks vision, team-spirit and leadership can be detrimental not only to your career but even to your personal growth. Having a boss who has these skills, on the other hand, can go a long way in teaching you to be a better corporate being. A boss should be like a mentor you can look up to.
6. You receive adequate training
The industry is dynamic and it is essential that we keep ourselves up-to-date in our specific areas. Whether it is learning a new programme or familiarising ourselves with the latest products, if your company is investing in regular trainings, they have the necessary foresight which you will benefit from in the long run.
7. Performance reviews aren’t particularly unnerving
Reviews are important and you’ll need to make sure you’ve got your facts and figures in place. But if you’re losing sleep over a review that’s scheduled a week later, there’s definitely something wrong. Being able to remain calm shows you have a sense of security in your job. It also means that you have the required confidence and skill to accomplish tasks so you don’t have to fret over it. A little anxiety is perfectly normal, as long as you aren’t breaking into cold sweat the minute you hear ‘review meeting’.
8. Your workplace acknowledges your extra-curricular activities
Having an added skill, whether it is related to your work or not, is definitely a bonus to your individuality. The ideal workplace wouldn’t hinder your ability to grow on the personal front and would even acknowledge your achievements as an individual. Well, as long as the extra-curricular activity isn’t landing you on a criminal list.
9. You encounter exciting challenges
Challenges help us polish our skills, gives us an opportunity to learn and breaks the monotony of a job. These are all essential to ensure you don’t get stagnant.
10. You don’t dread every weekday morning
All right, we’ll be practical here, we don’t mean you should be singing your way to work every morning, but waiting for a meteor to strike so you get a holiday — that doesn’t sound comforting. If you’ve had a long weekend, we totally understand; but your work shouldn’t be a place you wake up to hate every morning.
Antara Bose is a model turned fashion and beauty consultant. A popular blogger, anchor, and voice over artist, she maintains a deep connection with the local fashion industry and is passionate about discovering and celebrating aspiring talent as well as promoting animal rights. For fashion updates with a side of humour and sarcasm follow Antara on instagram @antarabose and on Facebook: Antara Bose.