TEDxMuscat Salon to be held on April 7, Saturday

Roundup Thursday 05/April/2018 18:49 PM
By: Times News Service
TEDxMuscat Salon to be held on April 7, Saturday

Muscat: Barr Al Jissah, has announced that TEDxMuscat Salon will be held at Al Mazaar Entertainment Centre in Barr Al Jissah and will be the initial partner to the upcoming TEDx Muscat Salon, which will take place on April 7 Saturday from 10am to 1pm.
Commenting on the TEDxMucat salon, Firas Matraji, CEO of Barr Al Jissah said, “Youth empowerment, knowledge building, and encouraging positive educations discussions are all aspects that are in line with our objectives for Al Mazaar. As such we are always excited to support events such as these.”
As such, programmes such as the TEDxMuscat are local, self-organised events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience – live speakers to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group.
The confirmed speakers at the event will be Ahmed Al Harthy, the well-known Motorsport racer in Oman; who will share with the audience his personal insight into racing and how it can act as a positive catalyst for growth, especially if started at an early age.
Shruthi Nair, a journalist from Times of Oman; who will be talking about youth empowerment.
Astrin D’Silva, Head of marketing and communication from Travel point; who will touch upon the importance of children travelling and learning about different cultures turning them into Global citizens.
Nalin Chandna, CEO of National Gas Oman; who will touch upon on key innovative ways of communication with children.
Asim Shaikh, a student who will be sharing his idea that every positive action requires an education-based approach.
Ghassan Fadhal Bait Bin Saleem, CEO of BizNas Advisory Service; who will talk about entrepreneurship, together with leadership, social intelligence, and innovation.
Jehad Al Khalili, deputy managing director of Al Khaleel group.
Tickets are priced at OMR3 per head. Spaces are limited to the TEDxMuscat salon and pre-registration is required.