Minister of Tourism lays out plans for the sector in Oman's Majlis Al Shura

Oman Sunday 27/March/2016 22:49 PM
By: Times News Service
Minister of Tourism lays out plans for the sector in Oman's Majlis Al Shura

Muscat: Tourism’s contribution to the Sultanate’s economy and government’s plans for the sector’s further development were among the highlights of the Minister of Tourism’s statement in Majlis Al Shura yesterday.
Majlis Al Shura yesterday held its 10th annual sitting of its first annual session (2015/2016) of its 8th term under the chair of Khalid bin Hilal Al Ma’awali, Chairman of Majlis Al Shura and discussed at a public session the statement of Ahmed bin Nasser Al Mahrzi, Minister of Tourism.
The Minister of Tourism delivered the Ministry’s statement which covered six main themes the first of which was on Tourism Development and Planning.
The theme covered the economic and social development map in the Sultanate, the status of tourism sector, the Ministry’s assessment of the tourism sector, Oman tourism strategy 2040, the methodology used in developing this strategy, the vision and mission of tourism sector and the main components of the strategy.
The statement also covered the contribution of tourism sector to GDP, the Ministry’s plan to maximise direct and indirect revenues, the programmes that will be implemented by the Ministry and how to measure growth of their contribution in the GDP through a number of pillars the most important of which are planning, development, social & environmental responsibility, providing unique tourism experiences, attracting more high spending tourists, developing human capital and competitiveness system.
The Minister of Tourism also reviewed the tourism traffic indicators in the Sultanate during the 8th five-year plan 2011-2015, the targeted indicators during the 9th five-year plan 2016-2020, tourism and local community and others.
The statement also highlighted the tourism sector’s legislations through the draft foreign investment law and its effect on tourism investment on the Sultanate’s five-year development plan, the legislations and regulations that regularise the tourism work and the coordination and cooperation between the Minsitry of Tourism and relevant stakeholders to provide tourists with basic service.
The statement also covered the tourism marketing and promotion through the realised tourism projects at the 8th five-year plan 2011-2015 and the targeted projects at the 9th five-year plan 2016-2020, as well as through the targeted tourism lay out and sites.
The statement also covered the difficulties and challenges of tourism investment in the Sultanate. Minister of Tourism pointed out in his statement to the tourism industry other partners through travel and tourism industry, the housing facilities industry represented in hotels, lodges and guest houses, as well as discussion of the role played by Oman Tourism Development (Omran) in the sector development in the Sultanate.
Chairman of Majlis Al Shura stressed in a speech on this occasion the importance of the tourism sector which is one of the most important sectors in which many countries rely on contributing to their economies and diversifying their sources, through the joint efforts of the public and private sectors to invest in this sector, to facilitate the procedures, attracting of the foreign investments in order to strengthen the sources of development, leading to the marketing of the Sultanate and make it a tourist destination.
He stressed on the importance of strategies and plans that guide this sector, which has become an industry that so many countries of the world rely on to maximise their returns. ‘No doubt’ that this sector which has accelerated its growth is considered an indicator of its significant importance year after year according to the World Tourism index, he noted.
He pointed out in his speech to the statement of the Minister on the economic development and planning, the position of tourism on economic and community development roadmap, evaluation of the tourism sector performance in the 8th Development Plan, integrated tourism strategy, the contribution of this sector to the gross domestic product, the plans and programs of the ministry to expand the direct and indirect revenues and programs implemented by the ministry, in addition to the pillars used by the ministry in assessing development of GDP from this sector.
After that members of Majlis Al Shura discussed the statement of the Minister of Tourism, raising many questions and inquiries about the statement themes, including job opportunities in the field of tourism, the percentage of expatriate labour, and the total investment required to be attracted by the strategy.
The members reviewed the results of the Global Competitiveness Report in the tourism sector, as well as pointing to the importance of the amendment to the Tourism Law in lieu of the amendments to the Regulations.
Besides, the members pointed to the importance of assessing the experience of tourist complexes.
In this context, the Minister explained that there is a study underway and will be completed in May, which describes the social and economic implications for the tourist complexes.
The discussions included several proposals and solutions, and notes that would raise the GDP of the Sultanate, and the matching of numbers in the statement to those previously mentioned when reviewing the five-year plan, including the need to facilitate the procedures for the entry of tourists across the land borders, and facilitate investors’ procedures with government agencies.
Majlis Al Shura will complete tomorrow (Monday) in its 11th regular session of the 1st annual sitting (2015-2016), the discussion of the Minister of Tourism about the themes of his statement. -ONA