The secret of a silky smooth skin

Lifestyle Friday 25/March/2016 19:04 PM
By: Times News Service
The secret of a silky smooth skin

The unpredictable hot and cold — and hot again weather may not be good for your skin. Study shows that excessive sun exposure can cause wrinkles, age spots and uneven skin tone on our faces, worst it could also be the cause of skin cancer. “Our skin is the largest part of our body and we need to take care of it, from morning to evening. Aside from the fact that it gives us confidence and self-esteem to have a beautiful skin, I believe that keeping our skin healthy is also a way for us to prevent the early signs of ageing and some skin diseases” says Lenka Josefiova.
Lenka Josefiova, the reigning Miss European Tourism 2015, the Dubai-based beauty queen, model, actress, and TV presenter reveals her top secrets, not only on how to protect your skin from sun damage but also on how to achieve and maintain a sparkling, beautiful skin all throughout the year.
Here are some tips from the Dubai-based beauty queen:
Avoid fried food
Fried food like doughnuts and French fries should be avoided, I know it’s hard but you have to give up something to be able to get something. Oily foods can trigger acne and breakouts too. If you are really craving for it, have some alternative such as mash potato or a brown bread topped with dark chocolate.
Use moisturizer and sunblock
Your skin can also get thirsty, mostly when it is hot or humid or even inside an air-condition room. And when we are thirsty, we have to drink some water. It is also the same for our skin, always apply lotion after taking a shower as it replenishes the moisture that we lose naturally after taking a bath. There are many moisturizers that acts as a sunblock too so it would be easier and more helpful for all.
Don’t ever sleep with makeup
At night, this is a super must — you have to remove your make up, even though how tired you are and even though it is the most expensive make up in the world, most of them have chemicals that will irritate your skin overnight. It is also our duty to make our skin breathe after putting make up on for more than 7 hours in daytime.
Smile and be happy
A happy life is also good for our skin as when our body releases happy hormones such as serotonin, dopamine and oxytocin — we tend to glow naturally — perhaps by hanging out with friends and your loved ones, exercising and even spending some me-time alone listening to a good music. Also, It is important to consult and visit your doctor every month.
Drink a lot of water and eat berries
Being hydrated with water is a simple act but is often underrated and ignored. You should always try to drink 8-10 glasses of water, the more the better. It cleanses your body naturally and everything that is natural and organic is always the best. I always carry a small bottle of water. Berries are a powerful antioxidant that eradicates toxins in your body and it is also the trusted fruit if you want to lose some weight.
Be beautiful within
The last but definitely not the least, the best way to be beautiful is to think happy and kind thoughts, not only for yourself, but also for others. It is being thankful for all your blessings and not complaining all the time. Physical beauty is important but inner beauty is the most important. Like what Cinderella said, I believe that you need to be kind and be brave all the time.
Lenka Josefiova is a Dubai-based Czech-born supermodel, host, TV presenter, actress, brand ambassador and a beauty pageant title holder. She was crowned Miss Intercontinental Czech Republic 2014, Most Popular Star of the year 2014 during The Asian Trend Awards 2014 held in China, representing the UAE and she is the newly crowned Miss European Tourism 2015, winning a crown over 40 contestants in recently concluded final in Malta. —