Free hotel stay when you fly from Oman to Australia

Energy Thursday 02/November/2017 10:35 AM
By: Times News Service
Free hotel stay when you fly from Oman to Australia

Muscat: Next time you fly to Australia from Muscat, you can get a free hotel stay in Colombo, Sri Lankan Airlines announced on Thursday.

Wickrama Adittiya, country manager for Sri Lankan Airlines in Muscat, said that they will be offering their guests free stays during the transit time. “It may be three to four star hotels depending on the availability of the hotels at one of the beach resorts at Negombo,” Wickrama Adittiya said.

The town of Negombo is situated on the shore of a lagoon and has been an important trading port for both the Dutch and the Portuguese.

The announcement was made after Sri Lankan Airlines launched daily non-stop services to Melbourne on 29th October 2017, providing Oman travelers with a convenient option to visit Australia.

Ajith Dias, Chairman of Sri Lanka’s National Carrier, said: “We at SriLankan Airlines are delighted to launch this new service, which we have no doubt would be of great convenience to all segments of travelers, including the large number of Sri Lankans domiciled in Australia, the many Australians who love to travel overseas and people throughout Asia who visit down under.”

Sri Lankan expatriates and students form a large and significant community in Australia, and frequently travel back to their native land. Many of them reside in Melbourne, and other cities in the state of Victoria and neighbouring New South Wales, with smaller numbers throughout the rest of Australia and New Zealand.

Captain Suren Ratwatte, CEO of SriLankan Airlines, said: “We have been extending our route network in a systemic manner throughout Asia – from the Middle East to the Far East – and can now provide Australian travelers excellent options in connectivity, with one-stop journeys to the most popular destinations via Colombo.”

A member of the prestigious one world global airline alliance, SriLankan offers convenient connections to 14 cities throughout India, nine in the Middle East and other destinations such as Male and Gan Island in the Maldives, and Seychelles.