OmanPride: Breast cancer fighter shares the power of hope

More sports Tuesday 10/October/2017 20:00 PM
By: Times News Service
OmanPride: Breast cancer fighter shares the power of hope

When Hope Is The Answer is a book about the challenges with cancer, said Doaa Elseoud, a breast cancer fighter who is preparing to launch her new book. Doaa, being a true ambassador of breast cancer awareness, wants to donate part of the proceeds of the book to children suffering from cancer. “I’m giving 5% of the book revenue to the children with cancer. That was a big plan and I’m so happy I’m achieving it now,” she said.
Doaa started working on the book when she was battling the disease and opened her heart out about her feelings and experiences during that time. “It is about before and after cancer experiences. There is a dramatic part and motivating too. It is a message to everyone who is going through cancer and even the family members or anyone who want to have some knowledge about it.”
She added, “It is also self motivating about how to motivate yourself if you’re going through this and how you should deal with it. It’s only a matter of time and it will fade, it will be history.” Doaa, who is a flight attendant by profession, took up modelling during the time she was fighting cancer to make a point. “It is not for a personal gain or financial gain, it’s for a cause. “Modelling came up since I was diagnosed with cancer and specifically when I lost my hair due to chemotherapy. I had an idea that I should promote it for the cause. We are not ugly after chemotherapy even though we lose our hair. I thought I should start with myself if I want to see any change happen.”
Doaa made sure she never wore a scarf or a hat to cover her head. She embraced her cancer-beauty and flaunted it proudly. “I never covered my head. It is a change I want to see in the society. I want everyone to accept how people who go through cancer feel like,” she said.
A year after she has recovered from the disease, Doaa is reaching out to other cancer patients and is trying to help them.
“I have connection with a few people. Whenever anyone is going through chemo and have any doubts, they can come and talk to me or I can go and talk to them,” she said.
“Anyone going through chemo, just stay strong. Plan your life ahead and don’t ever lose faith,” she added.
Doaa also urged women to go for regular check ups. “It’s not a shame to go for checkups. You can also examine yourself at home.”
Doaa has had a difficult time in the last few years with her mother succumbing to cancer and then later being diagnosed with the same disease. However, she hasn’t just managed to remain positive but has also attributed cancer for her positivity.
“It has made me more optimistic, more confident, and made me love life more than ever. I still want to do more, achieve more. I have so many dreams to fulfil,” she said.