Institute of Public Administration Board holds meeting

Energy Monday 02/October/2017 23:04 PM
By: Times News Service
Institute of Public Administration Board holds meeting

Muscat: Under the chairmanship of Minister of Civil Service Sheikh Khalid bin Omar Al Marhoon, the Institute of Public Administration's (IPA) Board of Directors on Monday held its third meeting at the Ministry of Civil Service headquarters.
Al Marhoon is also the chairman of the IPA.
The Board approved items listed on the agenda of the third meeting, which include the report on the activities of the Institute during the first half of 2017, as well as other items for discussion.
The Board reviewed the report on following up implementation of the decisions taken at the IPA's board meeting on June 7th 2017 and took necessary decisions in their regard.
The board reviewed the report on the Institute activities during the training year 2017, as well as the efforts made to meet the training needs of the employees of the State's administrative system and some projects implemented to some public agencies. The most notable of these projects include the training project for the middle administrative managers, developing the performance indicators for the Institute in the field of providing administrative advise and researches. The activities reflected the good performance of the Institute in terms of quality and quantity.
The Board also approved IPA's draft organisational chart.