Trump backtracks on U.S.-Russia cyber unit

T TV Monday 10/July/2017 12:20 PM
By: Times News Service

U.S. President Donald Trump backtracks on his push for a cyber security unit with Russia only hours after promoting it following his talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Grace Lee reports.
A sudden U-turn from U.S. President Donald Trump over a cyber security deal with Russia on Sunday (July 10).
In the span of 12 hours, two of his tweets sparking a backlash from both lawmakers and experts alike.
First, floating the idea of joint unit to protect against cyber attacks after meeting with Vladimir Putin at the G-20, and then dismissing it, after even fellow Republicans voiced disbelief.
Senator Lindsey Graham saying quote "It's not the dumbest idea I have ever heard, but it's pretty close."
Others pointing to the ongoing investigation into alleged Russian hacking during the 2016 election.
Ex-defense secretary Ash Carter chiming in: "This is like the guy who robbed your house proposing a working group on burglary."
Now, a different tune from Trump, trying to play down the deal and tweeting out that the cyber unit "can't" happen.
The president has repeatedly dismissed and questioned the claims that Russia interfered in the election.
"'Nobody really knows. Nobody really knows for sure," said Trump said on July 6 during his visit to Warsaw, Poland.
Trump says he pressed Putin on the subject at last week's meeting, and that the Russian President "vehemently denied it".