Would you agree that people from all walks of life have a certain amount of hidden talent that is tucked away behind cruel circumstances? Perhaps, and that is society’s role to bring out that talent to existence. Meet Wadha Al Hadi, a member of ‘We Are Here’ team who are determined to train patients, craft their skills, and make them part of the creative environment.
The group was formed in the summer of 2014, where young Omanis gathered to volunteer in aiding these patients with the necessary tools to perfect their talent by holding edutainment workshops in a variety of creative fields, for all ages. The team’s core value is not only to develop talents, but to also add a bit of a sparkle in a patient’s life. “We are here to plant a seed of cooperation in society and to help these patients live their lives to the fullest,” said Wadha, adding that the workshops are targeting not just patients, but the team encourages visitors to take part in activities as it will help the patients feel included and part of the society.
The team is hoping to deliver an enlightening message to society with regards to bettering the lives of hospitalised folks, who are walled in and in desperate need of upliftment. “Patients’ lives do not stop at their illness, and there’s no doubt that difficult circumstances make you stronger, and we have confidence that patients going through rough times can still craft their creative skills into something of great value,” said Wadha.
The team is run by university and college students from all over the Sultanate, as well as employees from government and private sectors. Some of the activities that the group organises include educational workshops, entertaining sessions, hospital and elderly home visits, where they spend quality time with the patients, making them lunch and dinner. The team also organises blood donation events, celebrates National Day at hospitals alongside patients, and join a number of religious ceremonies, among other things.
The group has received a great deal of appreciation from the society through events and social media for their noble deeds and their original concept of charity, which motivates them to work harder for establishing a creative environment for patients around town. One of their biggest achievements is building a well in Africa, which is now named ‘We Are Here.’
Apart from crafting creative minds at hospitals, the team does site visits for needy families to find out about their needs and fulfil them, as well as participating in various other activities, such as mosque cleaning. They are also working on reaching out to the farthest parts of the Sultanate, to share their love and support for those in need of it.
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