'Al Qaranqashouh' celebrated on mid-Ramadan night in Oman

Home & Away Saturday 10/June/2017 19:54 PM
By: Times News Service
'Al Qaranqashouh' celebrated on mid-Ramadan night in Oman

Muscat: "Al Qaranqashouh" is a social tradition associated with the holy month of Ramadan.
It is held on the night of mid-Ramadan where children come out after breaking their fasting and praying Maghrib in organised groups.
'Al Qaranqashouh' is usually waited for by children and prepared for by adults. It is a feast for children where they prepare for it several days before by selecting new clothes.
On the 14th day of Ramadan, after Maghrib prayer, the children come out in groups and are delighted to visit the houses where adults are waiting to receive them with sweets, coins or paper money and nuts and contribute to put a smile on the faces of children.
Gifts to children vary in the present time to cope with the development of living and the wishes of children. Houses compete to provide the best for children to return at the end of 'Al Qaranqashouh' to their homes and are delighted to offer their parents the gifts they received in a beautiful Ramadan ceremony.
Many of the Sultanate's governorates celebrate 'Al Qaranqashouh', the dominant name for the celebration, which some call "Qarge'an," which is also used by some GCC countries that celebrate this Ramadan tradition.
'Al Qaranqashouh' contributes to the enhancement of social communication. It also enables children to get good manners by going out in a group and learning a group work system. The group has the leader who distributes the roles among the rest of the group and determines the routes of going and returning, rest time and other things.
'Al Qaranqashouh' is not limited to a specific group of children, but children participate in different segments of the society. Information indicates that 'Al Qaranqashouh' tradition is inherited from ancient times. Parents and grandparents took part in it and the children still maintain it and are keen to participate in it. They wait impatiently for it each year as they consider like Eid Al Adha and Eid Al Fitr.
Social institutions, associations and commercial centers began to participate in the revival of 'Al Qaranqashouh' by holding it and contribute to put a smile on the faces of children and participants.
Sheikh Salim bin Ali Al Na'ebi, member of the Municipal Council in the Wilayat of Quriyat, said, 'Al Qaranqashouh' is a long-standing social religious event celebrated by our parents and grandparents and celebrated now by our children and grandchildren.
He added that gifts of 'Al Qaranqashouh' in the sixties were limited to money and dates. With the beginning of the blessed Renaissance in the seventies, some gifts were added, such as sweets, and nuts. He added that gifts have recently seen some changes due to the development of social and economic life to include the various sweets, nuts and small games, in addition to money.