Images of worship: Sultan Qaboos Grand Mosque

Home & Away Saturday 10/June/2017 19:10 PM
By: Times News Service
Images of worship: Sultan Qaboos Grand Mosque

Images of worship: Sultan Qaboos Grand Mosque

Everyone who lives in Muscat has driven past the architectural wonder that is the Sultan Qaboos Grand Mosque, many have visited, and many have prayed there too. This iconic monument of faith is not only a wonderful place of reflection and prayer, it is also home to an architectural museum of sorts, paying homage to the various eras of Islamic design, as well as many notable modern architectural features that serve as inspiration for the eyes and soul.

Egypt and Mesopotamia
Prior to the Islamic era, Egyptians and the ancient Mesopotamia were the masterminds behind mural painting and tile work, and their designs sported evolutionary touches full of flowers, stars, and a lot of spirituality. This era perfected the skills of interpreting forces of nature, power, and myth into artistic visual decorations that later on became the back-bone of Islamic art.