Mumbai: Actress Jacqueline Fernandez has neither denied nor confirmed if she is doing Remo D'Souza's next film featuring Salman Khan. There were reports that the actress had given her nod to the project which is about father-daughter relationship. When asked if she is doing the film, the actress said, "Fingers crossed. Pray for me."
The actress is currently gearing up for her next release A Gentleman, the film which was previously titled Reload. "We didn't have a title for so long so we kept a working title which was Reload. We had never really announced or finalised any title. We were pondering on A Gentleman for sometime and finally once we saw the edit, we thought it works and fits in really well," she clarified on changing the title.
Jacqueline has also joined hands with The Body Shop for ban on using animals for testing cosmetics. "It's really sad to teach people not to indulge in this activity, in this day and age. We are not children anymore, we need to stop behaving uneducated and take drastic
steps to stop it," she said.