Mumbai: Bollywood hero Ranbir Kapoor has fully immersed himself by heart and soul in the shooting of actor Sanjay Dutt's biopic movie which is helmed by Rajkumar Hirani. As the whole fandom of Ranbir Kapoor is appreciating the actor's new look for the movie, Bollywood diva Manisha Koirala is also all praise for the Saawariya actor as well.
The actress said that acting is in the actor's blood. The Mann actress further said, "Ranbir understands cinema and is fabulous in his work." She also added, 'Even the camera loves him.' Manisha Koirala will be portraying the role of Nargis, Sanjay Dutt's late mother. The actress recently completed her part of the shoot ended her statement by saying, "I have just finished the shoot of that film and it was great experience. I hope people like it."
The movie titled as Dutt also stars Paresh Rawal, Manisha Koirala, Dia Mirza, Vicky Kaushal and Karishma Tanna in lead characters. The movie is set for a Christmas 2017 release.