Mumbai: Karan Johar's birthday bash was graced by the presence of several Bollywood biggies including Aamir Khan, Shah Rukh Khan, Abhishek and Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, Sanjay Dutt, Ranbir Kapoor, Katrina Kaif, Alia Bhatt, Sidharth Malhotra, Deepika Padukone, Arjun Kapoor, Riteish Deshmukh, and Aditya Roy Kapoor. Along with the celebrities, the centre of attention also happened to be KJo's luscious birthday cake. The cake was embellished with the pictures of the director with some of his closest friends.
Johar, who became a single father to twins through surrogacy, has indeed broken all the stereotypes. During an interview with a leading daily, the 45-year-old filmmaker said that Roohi and Yash (his children) might not know but they are making his birthday special. "Yes, it's my first birthday with my babies, though they don't know that", Karan stated, adding "But they don't know that they are making the day their papa turns 45 so special".
About turning 45, Karan stated, "I can't believe I'm turning 45. I don't feel it at all in my head or in my heart. And I'm definitely not behaving like a 45-year-old (laughs). Actually, it's the first time in many years that I have thought, 'Should I be wearing this? I'm now 45.' For the first time, I'm thinking that I should consider some of my wardrobe choices. But besides that, I can't believe I have reached this number. I feel the same the way I did when I turned 30. For me, age is just a number, and I'm going to say that even if I don't believe it, as it makes me feel good, temporarily".
Other stars who were present at the party were Tiger Shroff, Disha Patani, Hrithik Roshan, Rana Daggubati, Farhan Akhtar, Sonam Kpaoor and Harsh Vardhan Kapoor.