India: Actor Sana Khan, who embarked on her Bollywood journey with films such as Jai Ho (2014) and Wajah Tum Ho (2016), is yet to make a mark in the film industry. The former Bigg Boss contestant says that finding her way in the industry hasn't been easy for her, and only a handful of people offered her work based on merit. She says, "There are so many obligations that a newcomer, who is not from the industry, comes with. No matter what people say, the fact remains that it's not easy for an outsider to make it big in the industry."
The 28-year-old actor adds that at times, actors don't even get to play the roles they deserve. She says she has seen everything in the past four years she has been in the industry. "From politics to getting replaced by another actor or not getting references, I'm done with all of it. There's nothing more that I wish to see now," retorts Sana, adding that even those she has worked with in the past, had apprehensions casting her.
"I feel that the industry is welcoming to only to those, who have done films with some of the biggest directors or are associated with a big banner production house. So in my case, people have not been too inviting," says Sana, who will be sharing screen space with actor Akshay Kumar in Toilet: Ek Prem Katha.
Sana became a household name after she participated in the season six of reality show, Bigg Boss in 2012. Not just that, her proximity to the host of the show, actor Salman Khan became the hottest topic of town. However, Sana says that her good rapport with the superstar never made a difference to her career.
"I have always got work on my own calibre and I can proudly say that nobody has ever recommended me for any project. I have met directors, who have told me that 'You should be happy that you're not trying to get work because of someone's reference and people are calling you directly because they feel you are talented'. Such comments make you feel happy," shares Sana, who shared screen space with Salman in her debut film, Jai Ho.
Despite all the rumours and reports, Sana is nothing short of gratitude for Bigg Boss that gave her a platform to get noticed. "I can't thank my fans enough for the respect and love they gave me. That was a turning point in my life. I never thought I could meet such big actors in my life, sit with them, have a conversation with them or be in the same frame with them," adds Sana.