Mumbai: After the success of her second home production Phillauri, actress Anushka Sharma is gearing up to produce a love story. Anushka along with her brother Karnesh Sharma, has joined hands with KriArj Entertainment, which will be co-producing the yet-untitled love story. The film will be shot in Mumbai and Kolkata.
"After back to back successes with NH10 and Phillauri, the team is excited and looking forward to our next going on floors this summer.
With this film we mark the beginning of our association with KriArj. We share our vision to create engaging, content led cinema which is not only loved but successful too," Karnesh Sharma of Clean Slate Films said in a statement.
KriArj Entertainment co-founder, Prernaa Arora, said, "They (Anushka and Karnesh) have also chosen to tell stories that stand apart. We are in complete sync with each other. Not only this but prep work for our second co-production has started too."
Meanwhile, Anushka will next be seen in Imtiaz Ali's romance drama, in which the actress is paired opposite Shah Rukh Khan.