Royal Decree promulgates system of job security

Business Monday 17/August/2020 17:18 PM
By: Times News Service
Royal Decree promulgates system of job security

Muscat: His Majesty Sultan Haitham Bin Tarik today issued four Royal decrees reading as follows:
Royal Decree No. 82/2020 promulgates the System of Job Security.
Article (1) stipulates the enforcement of the System of Job Security attached to this decree.
Article (2) States that the Chairman of Board of Directors of Public Authority for Social Insurance shall issue the regulations and decisions necessary for the implementation of the System attached.
Article (3) states that amendment of provisions of the System attached shall be enacted through a decision to be issued by the Chairman of Board of Directors of Public Authority for Social Insurance, after the approval of the Council of Ministers.
Article (4) cancels all that contradicts this decree and the System attached or contravenes their provisions.
Article (5) says that this decree shall be published in the Official Gazette and enforced with effect from November 1, 2020, except the following:
Article (8) of the System attached to be enforced with effect from January 1st,2021, and Article (12) to be enforced after one year from the date of enforcement of this decree.
Royal Decree No. 83/2020 on the amendment of some provisions of the Tender Law.
Article (1) introduces the amendments attached to the Tender Law promulgated under Royal Decree No. 36/2008.
Article (2) cancels all that contravenes the Amendments attached to this decree or contradicts with their provisions.
Article (3) says that this decree shall be published in the Official Gazette and enforced from the day following its date of publication.
Royal Decree No. 84/2020 on the Secretariat General of Tender Board.
Article (1) states that the Tender Board shall have a secretariat general enjoying legal identity and financial and administrative independence.
Article (2) stipulates that the Tender Board’s secretariat general shall have a Secretary General, under the Special Grade, and appointed by Royal decree.
Article (3) states that the Secretary General of the Tender Board shall run all the administrative and financial affairs of the Secretariat General, that the Secretary General shall represent the Secretariat General in its relations with other parties and before courts, and that he shall have the powers and prerogatives stated in laws and Royal decrees applying to units of the State’s Administrative Apparatus.
Article (4) stipulates that the Specialties of the Secretariat General of the Tender Board shall be defined in accordance with Annex (1) of the System Attached to this decree.
Article (5) states that the Organizational Structure of the Tender Board’s Secretariat General shall be endorsed in accordance with Annex (2) attached to this decree.
Article (6) cancels Royal Decree No. 116/2010, as well as all that contradicts this decree or contravenes its provisions.
Article (7) says that this decree shall be published in the Official Gazette and be enforced on its date of issue.
Royal Decree No. 85/2020 on the Public Authority for Civil Aviation.
Article (1) renames “The Public Authority for Civil Aviation” as “Civil Aviation Authority”.
Article (2) states that climatic affairs specializations shall be (assigned) transferred to the Civil Aviation Authority from the Ministry of Environment and Climate Affairs as defined in Annex (1 ) attached to this decree.
Article (3) stipulates that all allocations, origins, rights, obligations and assets pertaining to climatic affairs at the Ministry of Environment and Climate Affairs shall be transferred to the Civil Aviation Authority (“Directorate General of Meteorology”).
Article (4) transfers to the Civil Aviation Authority (“Directorate General of Meteorology”) all climate affairs’-related employees from the Ministry of Environment and Climate Affairs, along with their financial grades, in accordance with terms to be set by the Council of Ministers.
Article (5) states that the text of Article 5 of the above-mentioned Civil Aviation System (promulgated under Royal Decree No. 43/2013) shall be replaced with the following:
“The Authority’s management and affairs shall be undertaken by a Board of Directors to be formed under a decision by the Council of Ministers. The term of membership of this board of directors shall be three years, extendable to one similar term.”
Article (6) states that the text of Article (5 ) of Royal Decree No. 33/2012 shall be replaced with the following:
“The Civil Aviation Authority shall have a Head, under the Special Grade, to be appointed by Royal decree.”
Article (7) states the following:
The phrase “Ministry of Environment and Climate Affairs”, wherever it occurs in laws and Royal decrees of relevance, shall be replaced with “Civil Aviation Authority”.
The phrase “Minister of Environment and Climate Affairs’, wherever it occurs in laws and Royal decrees of relevance, shall be replaced with the two phrases “Chairman of Board of Directors of Civil Aviation Authority” or “Head of Civil Aviation Authority”, where applicable.
The two phrases “Public Authority for Civil Aviation” and “Executive President of the Public Authority for Civil Aviation”, wherever they occur in laws and Royal decrees of relevance, shall be replaced with the two phrases “Civil Aviation Authority” or “Head of Civil Aviation Authority”.
Article (8) cancels Article (4) of Royal Decree No. 33/2012, as well as all that contravenes this decree or contradicts with its provisions.
Article (9) says that this decree shall be published in the Official Gazette and enforced on its date of issue.