His Majesty appoints 9 Omanis to key positions

Business Thursday 13/August/2020 18:03 PM
By: Times News Service
His Majesty appoints 9 Omanis to key positions

Muscat: His Majesty Sultan Haitham bin Tarik has appointed nine Omanis in key positions as per one of seven Royal decrees that were issued on Wednesday, August 12, 2020.

According to Article (1) of the Royal decree No. 81/2020 on appointment to some posts His Majesty Sultan Haitham bin Tarik has appointed the following officials:

1. Dr. Said bin Hamad bin Said Al Rubei’ee as Vice-Chancellor of the University of Technology and Applied Sciences, with his existing grade and financial allocations.
2. Dr. Abdullah bin Khamis bin Ali Ambusaidi as Under-Secretary of the Ministry of Education for Education.
3. Majid bin Said bin Sulaiman Al Bahri as Under-Secretary of the Ministry of Education for Administrative and Financial Affairs.
4. Dr. Mohammed bin Said bin Khalfan Al Ma’amari as Under-Secretary of the Ministry of Awqaf and Religious Affairs.
5. Dr. Fatma bint Mohammed bin Baqir Al Ajmi as Under-Secretary of the Ministry of Health for Administrative, Financial and Planning Affairs.
6. Ahmed bin Salim bin Rashid Al Rujaibi as Deputy Chairman of the State’s Financial and Administrative Audit Institution, with the Special Grade.
7. Dr. Mansoor bin Talib bin Ali Al Hinai as Chairman of the Public Services Regulation Authority, with the Special Grade.
8. Sulayem bin Ali bin Sulayem Al Hikmani as Chairman of the Consumer Protection Authority, with the Special Grade.
9. Eng. Omar bin Hamdan bin Hamoud Al Isma’eeli as Executive President of the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority, with the Special Grade.

As per Article (2) this decree shall be published in the Official Gazette and enforced from its date of issue.