
Haftar wins back oil crescent

Opinion Tuesday 14/March/2017 21:40 PM
By: Times News Service
Haftar wins back oil crescent

Haftar's Libyan National Army (LNA) prevailed on Tuesday and won back the oil terminals in East 'the Crescent' not only that, also today violence erupted all over the capital, Tripoli in the West.
The fog of war means exact details at this moment are not available. Those will unfold over the next few days.
However what is very important is to understand how Haftar succeeded and it will enable us to predict that he will take over Libya.
Some think tanks mainly Washington based infer a decrease in tribal support for Haftar. I totally disagree on this. The same is said by EU, US, UK, Italy et al.
I believe a loss of tribal support for Haftar is not what is happening, quite the opposite and provide my evidence in part below to support this theory.
For example, there was a large meeting on Saturday of the Harabi tribe in the east. Harabi tribe represent the six of the twelve major tribes in Libya and it is evident for all that now the tribe that they are cleary represented by their children within the LNA. This meeting was held in Benghazi and it concluded that greater support should be provided to the LNA by recruiting even more tribesmen. They - the tribes - also condemned the attack by the so called Benghazi Defence Brogade (BDB) and blamed the UN backed GNA Government for their support of extremists against the LNA.
Another example are two statements on Sunday by first the Mshait tribe controlling the area between Benghazi and Ajdabia, and second by the Fwakher tribe control South of Ajdabia, Suluq, Silk and the open area until Julu town. Both tribes confirmed in each of their statements their complete support to LNA and their rejection of the BDB and GNA. Emphasising the point, the Fwakher tribe even urged the House of Representative to designate the Libya Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist group, as the Egyptians and Emirates did.
Another major tribe named Drasa issued a separate statement also on Sunday with a similar message. This tribe's children represent many of the pilots and technicians in the Libyan Air Force (LNA/AF). For example, in the past three weeks, the Drasa tribe lost three of its members when BDB targeted their helicopter in the desert near Almabrouk Oil Field. Those were Momen Alderesy, Ibrahim Alderesy, and Mabrouk Alderesy. A video showed Col. Sharkasi, the BDB commander next to these dead pilots after successfully targeting their helicopter was considered a disgraceful and dishonorable humiliation against the Drasa tribe. They insisted in their meeting that, in addition to being a war for Libya, their battle against BDB is personal revenge for their tribe.
Warfalla tribe is the biggest tribe in Libya located in Bani Walid and Sirte area; Warshafana tribe is the second largest in the area located to the South West of Tripoli. Both tribes are from the the west of Libya and both are against extremists.
Magharaba is one of the biggest of the six tribes in the east of Libya. The importance of this tribe is that it is located in the Oil Crescent area and Ajdabia. It is also the tribe of Ibrahim Jadran who is allied with BDB. The tribe earlier said the Jadran is not of its member anymore, which is a tribal procedure taken against those who do not obey the tribe elders. Technically it means that if he is killed, the tribe will not claim revenge for him. Believe me this is scary indictment in a tribal community.
In the photo, tall in a suit, is Irdis Maghribi, HoR member who has been nominated to be a member of the 'future Presidency Council' representing the east. Also, the Old man in white is Sheikh Saleh Lataiwish, the tribe leader who helped LNA to take over the Oil Crescent essentially without bloodshed.
Abeed tribe is one of the major tribes in the east located in Al Marj, where Haftar is from, and where his major military base is.
It's soon going to be game over in Libya - let us hope so.