Bhopal: Bollywood actor Ranbir Kapoor, who is stepping into the shoes of Sanjay Dutt in an upcoming biopic by Rajkumar Hirani, says the film will be not gloss over the controversies associated with the actor. bollywood biopics generally steer away from the negative aspects of the subject but Ranbir says their movie will not be a propaganda.
"The audience will get to know the real Sanjay Dutt. There is a certain image about him because of the controversies and his imprisonment. Whatever we have shown in the film is anhonest portrayal. There is no exaggeration nor is it a propaganda film. It is not like just because we are making a film, we have to show him in a very positive light," Ranbir, who is currently shooting the film here, told reporters.
The 34-year-old actor says initially he was apprehensive to take on the role as the story is very honest. "When Sanjay Dutt heard the story, he never asked for a change, which I think is very brave of him." The actor finds Dutt's eventful life fascinating and says it is an honour to get a chance to portray him on-screen. "I don't know how someone can live a life which has so many ups and downs. It will take me 100 lives to replicate it... He is very child-like, has a positive outlook in life at the face of hardships and tough times. He also has a very strong will."
Hirani, who is a close friend of Dutt, having worked with him in two "Munnabhai" films, promises that they will soon come up with the third installment. "When Sanjay Dutt came out of jail we went to meet him for the third 'Munnabhai' film. But he started telling us about his life and it was so interesting and engaging. It was about this beautiful relation between a father and a son and we decided to go ahead with it first. We will definitely start work on the next 'Munnabhai' soon," Hirani says. PTI