Germany's industrial output rebounds led by jump in investment

Business Wednesday 08/March/2017 15:02 PM
By: Times News Service
Germany's industrial output rebounds led by jump in investment

Warsaw: German industrial production rebounded in January, reaffirming the country’s favourable economic outlook after factory orders slumped the most in eight years.
Output, adjusted for seasonal swings and inflation, rose 2.8 per cent from December, when it dropped a revised 2.4 per cent, the Economy Ministry in Berlin said on Wednesday. The volatile indicator’s reading compares with a median estimate for a 2.7 per cent increase in a Bloomberg survey. Production was unchanged from a year earlier.
The data come on the back of report on Tuesday showing factory orders plunged at the steepest pace since 2009 amid markedly below-average demand for big-ticket items. While the slump serves as a reminder that Germany isn’t immune to risks, the ministry said a revival of manufacturing can still be expected. Last month, the Bundesbank predicted growth would pick-up at the start of 2017, supported by domestic demand and a stronger global outlook.
Output in January was bolstered by a 6.1 advance in investment and 2.3 per cent in consumption goods, according to the data. Construction dropped 1.3 per cent, while energy production slipped 0.7 per cent.