Mumbai: Ranveer Singh and Shahid Kapoor, the lead actors of Sanjay Leela Bhansali's "Padmavati," have slammed the attack on the director during the shooting of the film in Jaipur's Jaigarh fort.
Ranveer, 31, who will be essaying the role of Alauddin Khilji, said their intention is not to hurt anyone's sentiments.
"What's happened is very unfortunate. We hope the people of Rajasthan will understand andempathise with our intentions and give us their support. As a team, we are making 'Padmavati' keeping in mind the sensitivities and emotions of the people of Rajasthan and the Rajput community.
"Sanjay Sir is one of the most accomplished and authentic filmmakers we have in India, and he wont ever do anything to hurt anyones feelings," he tweeted.
Shahid, who is in the role of Raja Ratan Singh, condemned the assault on Bhansali saying violence is "unacceptable".
"Very very sad. Words do fall short and feel too little to express feelings. Violence is unacceptable. This incident has shocked me.
"We need to look deep within as a society, as a country, as a people. Where are we headed," he wrote.
Earlier Deepika, the leading lady of the film, had also expressed shock at the incident that seems to have rattled the film fraternity.
"In a state of shock!deeply saddened and disheartened by yesterday's events!#Padmavati," she wrote on Saturday.
"As Padmavati I can assure you that there is absolutely no distortion of history.#Padmavati "Our only endeavour is andhas always been to share with the world the story of this courageous and powerful woman in the purest form there is," she added.
Bhansali, was shooting for his new film in Jaipur's Jaigarh Fort, when he was assaulted by activists of a Rajput community group, Karni Sena, who also vandalised the set and stalled the shooting.
The filmmaker is yet to react.