Coolest New Additions in the Oxford English Dictionary 2016 (Part 1)

T-Mag Tuesday 03/January/2017 16:57 PM
By: Times News Service
Coolest New Additions in the Oxford English Dictionary 2016 (Part 1)

This is the social media era where online lingos and colloquial words make up for over 50% of our vocabulary, both spoken and written. So I decided to make a list of these uber cool words that have managed to creep its way into the oxford dictionary in 2016.

YOLO- You Only Live Once

Youtuber- A frequent user of the video-sharing website YouTube, especially someone who produces and appears in videos on the site.

Glam-ma- A glamorous grandmother, esp. one who is relatively young or fashion-conscious. Also used as a form of address.

Murica- a sarcastic term used to described things or events that fit the American stereotype.

Non-apology- a statement that takes the form of an apology but does not acknowledge responsibility or express regret for what has caused offence or upset