Mumbai: Actor Ranveer Singh has clocked six years in the film industry and he thanked his fans for their continued support. The 31-year-old actor made his debut with "Band Baaja Baaraat" in 2010 and has entertained fans with his on-screen performances. "All I ever wanted to be was an entertainer Your love and support has made it possible for me to live my dream, Thank you #6YearsOfRanveerSingh," Ranveer tweeted. On the occasion of completing six years in bollywood, the actor had a "special" chat with superstar Aamir Khan. "A special #6YearsOfRanveerSingh celebration! Chatted about the craft of acting at length with one of my screen idols @aamir_khan day well spent!" Ranveer also watched his latest releases "Befikre" with a live audience. "And now for the best part of it all! Watching #Befikre with a live audience! What a feeling! Truly blessed! #6YearsOfRanveerSingh," he tweeted. PTI JCH