Muscat: Saif Sareea 3 (SS3), which will be the largest joint military exercise of 2018 for both Oman and the United Kingdom, will feature thousands of challenges both for the military and interpersonal civil services.
Speaking to the Times of Oman regarding the simulated challenges that will be performed, as well as the reason these exercises are being undertaken with Oman, Commodore Simon Asquith said, “We will have British Typhoon jets refilling from a voyager airship in coordination with the Omanis, the first time that this exercise is being carried out. Britain will also gain vital experience in storming coasts alongside Omani troops, as well as moving sand vehicles and tanks in the local terrain.”
“Some 5,500 British forces including sailors and air force personnel will take part,” he added.
Military personnel involved with planning for SS3 said, “There are thousands of simulated challenges that we have considered and prepared for these exercises, including possibilities of information, traditional, maritime, and other forms of warfare.”
Official Spokesman Brigadier Hassan Al Mujaini said SS3 will “see 70,000 Omani personnel, added to by the 5,000 British servicemen”.
“The activity will be coordinated from Muscat in a sophisticated and coordinated manner by British and Omani personnel,” said Commodore Asquith.
SS3 as a military exercise is the product of many previous exercises.
“Every lesson that Oman has learned in the interim exercises between Saif Sareea 2 and 3 will culminate in this joint military exercise,” said Brigadier al Mujaini.
“SS2 in 2001 came back with excellent results,” he added. Al Mujaini explained that these results played a part in the duration between the larger scale exercises, as there were many lessons learned from previous experiences.
This joint military exercise is not only for the military, but also for civil departments.
Commodore Asquith said, “We are aiming to improve inter agency skills, which can be challenging, and we must come together on a larger scale.”
Al Mujaini added, “The question here is how to activate civil services under pressure and during challenges, even in eventful times. How do civil services function in the time of challenges, even simulated ones?” In these cases, he said the military will coordinate with civil services and the media to protect all lives under pressure, regardless of whether these lives are Omani or not.
A joint statement said, “Saif Saree 3 will demonstrate Omani and UK intent and their ability to work together for regional security.”
"The exercise is not only a clear manifestation of the deep-rooted relations between the two countries, it also forms a part of their bilateral training plans,” the statement added. “The exercise also aims at enhancing cooperation through contemporary joint military doctrine and plans relevant to modern technology, interagency cooperation, interoperability, and strategic planning.” Commodore Asquith said, “I speak for every British serviceman when I say I am delighted to take part.”