Muscat: The Indian Rupee (INR) hit a six-month low in its trading against the US dollar closing at INR 71.85 per dollar while the Pakistani Rupee (PKR) remains relatively stable at PKR 158.10 per dollar as of Thursday. The Indian currency, which was trading against a single Omani Rial (OMR) between INR 178 and 180 in July, has drastically depreciated and is now a trading close to INR 186.50 per Rial. Moreover PKR has managed to remain stable with offering an exchange rate of PKR 410 against a single Rial. Talking to Times of Oman, P K Subudhi, the general manager at Mustafa Sultan Exchange said that the INR depreciated sharply on Thursday whereas the PKR saw a slight appreciation. “The INR is hovering around INR at 71.85 against one dollar and the PKR is trading at 158.10. Having said that, the INR has depreciated sharply today as it was exchanging between INR 178 to INR 180 in July. However, the PKR is almost flat with a slight appreciation,” Subudhi said. He added that the PKR has gained impressive strength in a short span considering where it stood previously.