Monday column: At the other side of your world

Opinion Sunday 01/September/2024 19:04 PM
By: Saleh Al-Shaibany
Monday column: At the other side of your world

I spent the last ten days out of Oman to recharge my mental batteries in a holiday somewhere in a transcontinental country so I could relax and do almost nothing.

The aim was to be in touch with nature and see everything around me for the first time. It worked but not in the same way I planned before setting out. I was in a country that is a crossbreed between Asia and Europe. People there have different attitude and priorities in comparison to Oman. I guess it is their background as a nation and the long history of their past.

For me, it was enough to walk around and see what made them so different to what I see in Oman. Every street and corner had a story to tell. The old houses, cobble stones and walls I saw during my walk was fascinating. I walked into the little shops, not to buy something, but to look at the interior and the smell of the dampness.

When it was time to rest, I would sit on a bench and look at people. I would even take my lunch there and eat it while people walked past me. It was not just people but animals and birds, too.

They roam and fly around freely in perfect harmony with the people in the streets. Since I was there to blend in with the local environment, I did what the locals did. I shared my lunch with the creatures around me while sitting on a bench.

Birds were my favourite in those ten days while having my lunches. They flapped their wings around and landed close to my feet pecking at what I threw at them. Children also would come and join me to feed them. Tourists find it interesting, too. They would stop and take photos and videos. I guess they didn’t have that kind of scene in their countries where they came from.

But I also enjoyed the rich heritage there, too. From their old castles, holy buildings to market places. It gave me a glimpse of their rich past. While exploring, I get curious looks from the natives. They knew I was a tourist and asked me where I was coming from. When I told them from Oman, they seemed to be fascinated and wanted to know more about it.

It gave me the chance to promote my country to them and that was more than one occasion. It was a cross-cultural experience to do it and I enjoyed it. Now I am back, I realize that traveling is not just to go out of your country to relax but to learn something new, too. We would not know how we are until we visit somewhere and make comparisons.

Sometimes, we take advantage of what we have and traveling gives us the opportunity to know how people live beyond the comfort of our homes. Besides, it leaves you completely refreshed when you come back home. There is also the learning part of it. We learn what is on the other side. You may argue it is not cheap to travel but saving a few rials a month might get you somewhere when you have saved enough.

Besides, a well-planned trip can have you relaxed and feel refreshed when you are back home.