Iran’s revenge on Israel

Opinion Saturday 17/August/2024 20:04 PM
By: Sadiq Mohamed Said Al-Lawaty
Iran’s revenge on Israel

There has been much talk about Iran’s revenge on the Zionist entity for the crimes of violating Iran’s sovereignty and the assassination of the head of the Hamas movement’s political bureau in Tehran, the Mujahid Ismail Haniyeh. Most analyses indicate that an Iranian strike is inevitable and imminent. Some have been tired of waiting and concluded that Iran was probably afraid of the numerous naval forces of various types that America had amassed in the region including a nuclear submarine carrying nuclear bombs.

There are those who say that Iran will respond to the occupying entity with a strong strike in strategic locations, but it will not launch a comprehensive war.

Whoever has read several of my articles about the Gaza War, as I predicted in the first article on 16 October 2023, the Gaza war was nothing but an Israeli, American, and some Arab countries conspiracy consisting of three stages, and the evidence is that America vetoed three times in the Security Council and once in the UN General Assembly to prevent a ceasefire in Gaza so that the war may continue until its final third stage. America and other Western countries have sent hundreds of tons of bombs and other war materials since the beginning of the war, which has not stopped until this day. The Israeli press has recently revealed evidence of this conspiracy. The conspiracy can be summarized as follows: eliminate Hamas and all Palestinian resistance movements in the first stage, Lebanese Hezbollah in the second stage, and finally striking Iran with all force by the United States and all its allies in the third stage, thus destroying its nuclear and missile facilities and drone factories.

All evidence indicates that Israel has failed in its first stage in eliminating Hamas, and I am not the only one who says that, indeed, the American magazine “Foreign Affairs” mentioned this on 23 June 2024, when it stated the following:

“After nine months of Israeli combat operations in the Gaza Strip, Hamas has not been defeated and is not close to being defeated either”. The magazine added, “Israel invaded the Gaza Strip with about 40,000 soldiers, forcibly displaced 80% of the population, killed more than 38,000 Palestinians, dropped at least 80,000 tonnes of bombs on the Strip, damaged more than half of its buildings, and restricted access to water, food, and electricity, to the region, leaving the entire population on the brink of starvation”.

During his last visit to Washington, Netanyahu succeeded in convincing Biden, his deputy, and most members of Congress of the need to move to the third and final phase of the war plan, despite his failure in the first phase. Netanyahu has secured the votes of Jews and Zionists for him and his party in the elections that will be held at the end of the year, if he strikes Iran to return it to its pre-revolution state. With US approval, Israel decided to provoke Iran by assassinating Haniyeh on its territory and violating its sovereignty. From the Israeli War Cabinet’s point of view, this malicious act of murder will cause Iran to respond with an all-out war. This will give America and the West justification to begin the third stage of the war strategy by striking Iran’s nuclear and missile facilities and drones’ factories, as part of responding to the Iran’s strike with a stronger Israel’s allies response. Thus, they will achieve what they did not achieve through harsh unilateral sanctions. America is likely to have obtained Russian and China’s agreement not to defend Iran in exchange for American concessions in Ukraine and Taiwan. Iran’s silence suggests that it was aware of the three-stage conspiracy since the beginning of the Israeli aggression on Gaza, and today it is fully aware that the occupying entity failed in Gaza and that it does not want to confront Hezbollah.

The assassination of Haniyeh in Tehran is only part of the strategy of the great and small devils to incite Iran to wage war against Israel.

Regarding Iranian revenge, I would like to point out that Iran will inevitably take revenge for the assassination of its guest in Tehran and the violation of its sovereignty and the neighbouring country from which the Israeli drone was launched and which has not yet been named. Iran will do so at the right time and the right circumstances, and I expect it to happen after the aggression on Gaza stops and the Zionist forces withdraw from it. Revenge is inevitable but it may take some time.

Iran remaining strong is in the interest of the resistance movements in Palestine, Syria, Iraq and Yemen, and its deterrent power represented by long-range missiles and drones frightens the Zionist entity, America and Western countries, and therefore its strong presence also serves all the free people of the world, including the countries of Latin America that are not subject to hegemony of America.

Anyone who thinks that Iran will take revenge for its honourable guest or the violation of its airspace anytime soon is short-sighted. Iran is not so foolish as to waste all its hard work and great efforts in achieving technological progress which cannot be compared to any other advanced country that has achieved the same progress in a short period of time with such ease, and destroy its infrastructure and kill hundreds of its people for a cause that may not be worth all these sacrifices. There is no doubt that those who have gathered their naval fleets for the purpose of implementing the third stage of the conspiracy are crazy and should visit a psychiatric clinic as soon as possible.

(The author is a retired army corporal who has authored “Have you read Torah and Gospel”, “Pre-1970 Oman”, “Knowledge of Islam made easy”.)