
ROP issues guidelines on technical inspection services for vehicles in Oman

Oman Sunday 30/June/2024 16:28 PM
By: Times News Service
ROP issues guidelines on technical inspection services for vehicles in Oman

Muscat: The Royal Oman Police (ROP) has issued a decision regarding the controls for providing technical inspection services for vehicles. His Excellency Lieutenant General Hassan bin Mohsen Al Shariqi, Inspector General of Police and Customs, issued Resolution No. 2024/88, with regulations for providing technical inspection services for vehicles.

Article Two of the decision included the licensing conditions and procedures as follows:
Without prejudice to the administration’s powers in providing the technical inspection service, it is permissible to license the provision of this service provided that the following is available:

* The facility must be entirely owned by Omanis.
* The establishment's owner must not have been previously convicted of a felony or crime against honour or trust unless rehabilitated.
* Obtaining the necessary licenses and approvals from the competent authorities.
* The location of the technical inspection shall be in the places specified by the administration.

Article Three states that the application for obtaining a license must be submitted to the administration, according to the form prepared for this purpose, accompanied by the following data and documents:

* Data of the facility owner.
* A valid copy of the establishment’s commercial register.
* Evidence of payment of the prescribed fee, amounting to OMR 100 .
* A schematic drawing of the technical inspection site according to the models and designs approved by the administration.
* Any other data or documents requested by the administration.

Article Four states: The administration shall study the license application and decide upon it within (30) days from its submission, complete with all required documents and data. The lapse of this period without a response shall be considered a rejection of the application.

Article Five reads: The vehicle technical examiner must do the following:

* He must be of Omani nationality.
* He must have an academic qualification or certificate in vehicle mechanics or electricity from an accredited university, college or institute.
* He must not have been previously convicted of a felony or crime against honour and trust unless rehabilitated.
* He must be healthy.
* Must pass the technical inspection course at the administration.

Article Seven stipulates that the licensee shall abide by the following:

* Equipping the facility with the tools, equipment, and equipment approved by the administration to conduct technical inspections and update them continuously.
* Create an electronic database and link it with the administration, in which the vehicle’s data, its owner, and any other data requested by the administration are recorded.
* Prepare an electronic record in which the data of the technical inspection service beneficiaries, the workers in the facility, the numbers and types of devices and machines used in the technical inspection, and other data specified by the administration are recorded.
* Providing an appropriate number of technicians specialised in technical inspection and adhering to security and safety requirements during technical inspection.
* Conduct the technical inspection in accordance with the conditions and controls specified in the Traffic Law and its executive regulations.

Article Eight: The licensee shall be responsible for any damages to the vehicle owner or others as a result of an error in the technical inspection

Article Nine: The licensee may not assign the license except after the administration's approval.

Article 10 stipulates that the licensee is prohibited from the following:

* Conducting technical inspection of vehicles that have been involved in traffic accidents.
* Selling or installing spare parts or repairing vehicle parts that must be examined to pass the scheduled technical inspection.
* Subcontracting with one of the approved car agencies or vehicle repair shops to repair, install spare parts, or repair the vehicle he inspected.

Article 11 of the decision said that the administration shall monitor and follow up on licensees to verify their compliance with the provisions of this decision, and licensees must enable the administration’s employees to do so.

Article 12 of the decision stipulates that the administration may - if the licensee violates the provisions of this decision - impose one of the following penalties:
* Warning.
* Imposing an administrative fine of OMR 100, which will be doubled in case of a repeat violation.
* Suspending the license until the causes of the violation are removed.
* Cancellation of the license after the approval of the Inspector General of Police and Customs.