Lahore: Pakistan’s ruling party, the Tehreek-e-Insaaf, accidentally turned on the ‘cat filter’ when live streaming a government session from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The video was of a press briefing held by KP’s Information Minister Shoukat Yousafzai. Screenshots of the incident went viral on social media and people on microblogging site Twitter were quick to make fun of the situation. One Twitter user used the phrase ‘Who Let The Cats Out,’ which was instantly converted to a hashtag by other users. The Tehreek-e-Insaaf released a statement regarding the incident which said: “PTI SM Disciplinary committee probed the matter first hand and concluded the incident as ‘human error’ by one of our hard working volunteers.” “All necessary actions have been taken to avoid such incidents in the future,” the statement added.