
Biden calls Netanyahu, says G7 will seek 'united diplomatic response'

World Sunday 14/April/2024 09:33 AM
By: DW
Biden calls Netanyahu, says G7 will seek 'united diplomatic response'

US President Joe Biden issued a statement saying he had spoken to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu overnight amid Iran's attack.

He called the attack unprecedented and said he condemned it in "the strongest possible terms."

Biden noted how the United States had moved aircraft and ballistic missile defence destroyers to the region in recent days amid the threat of some kind of attack.

"Thanks to these deployments and the extraordinary skill of our servicemembers, we helped Israel take down nearly all of the incoming drones and missiles," he said.

Biden also said he told Netanyahu that Israel had "demonstrated a remarkable capacty to defend against and defeat even unprecedented attacks."

"Tomorrow, I will convene my fellow G7 leaders to coordinate a united diplomatic response to this brazen attack," Biden said.

He said the US would also stay in touch with other partners, with Israeli officials, and that it would remain vigilant for attacks on US military assets in the region, albeit stressing none had been launched on Saturday.

US to support Israel's defense against Iran: DW's Stefan Simons reports