Muscat: The Sultanate of Oman’s oral pleading begins before the International Court of Justice in The Hague, regarding “Israeli practices against human rights in the occupied Palestinian territories, including East Jerusalem.
Sultanate of Oman said in the plea: “For more than 75 years, the Palestinians have been living under occupation, oppression, injustice, and daily humiliation committed against them by the Israelis. At the same time, the international community and international organizations have failed to help the Palestinian people achieve their aspirations by establishing their independent state.”
“Four months ago in Gaza, the world witnessed one of the most horrific atrocities and acts of genocide in the modern era, as a result of which more than 29 thousand people were martyred, and more than 68 thousand wounded, in addition to 2.2 million being displaced. They live in poverty and extremely unbearable conditions, being moved from one place to another in clear violation of international norms.”
His Excellency Dr. Sheikh Abdullah bin Salem Al Harithi, Ambassador of the Sultanate of Oman to the Kingdom of Netherland, confirmed during his presentation of the plea that the Sultanate of Oman supports the United Nations General Assembly Resolution (77/247) dated December 30, 2022, in which the Assembly requested the court to issue an advisory opinion on two issues are defined as follows.
First: The legal consequences resulting from Israel’s continued violation of the Convention and the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination, its prolonged occupation of the Palestinian territory occupied since 1967, including the city of Al-Quds Al-Sharif, and its measures aimed at changing the demographic composition, its character, and its status, and its adoption of discriminatory legislation and measures related to.
Second: Israel’s policies and practices affect the legal status of the occupation and the resulting legal implications for all countries and the United Nations.
His Excellency said: "The Sultanate of Oman requests that the following matters be taken into consideration: the violation of the right to self-determination, the occupation, settlement and annexation of Palestinian territories occupied by Israel since 1967 impedes the realisation of the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people, the prolonged occupation, settlement and annexation of Palestinian territories and the ongoing and systematic illegal transfer of Israeli citizens to settlements in the occupied Palestinian territory over decades are intended to perpetuate the occupation and make it permanent, and the international community has an obligation to prevent the illegal annexation of Palestinian territories."
His Excellency added: "The Sultanate of Oman requests that the following matters be taken into consideration. The behavior and practices of the occupying power are well-documented and strictly regulated by international law. The court should decide that Israel should put an immediate and unconditional end to this illegal situation, and the need for states to support these efforts."