Nama Water Services reaffirms company's continuous commitment towards working for achieving sustainable development in Oman

Roundup Monday 08/January/2024 11:58 AM
By: Times News Service
Nama Water Services reaffirms company's continuous commitment towards working for achieving sustainable development in Oman

Muscat: Under the region’s environmental conditions and geographic nature, water security and sustainability in the water sector is much more difficult. Based on this fact, Nama Water Services in consistent with its vision works on becoming a leading company in water services management, hence contributing to achievement of sustainable development in the Sultanate of Oman besides the values ​​that the company works on, which include care, respect, empowerment, professionalism, and team work, transparency and integrity. These values ​​are combined in the company’s mission of commitment to serving the community by providing water and sanitary services in a sustainable manner and preserving water for current and future generations.

Qais bin Saud Al Zakwani, Chief Executive Officer of Nama Water Services, reaffirmed that the company continues with its commitment to working on the main plan for the water sector. The company works on developing the strategic dimension of the company’s two segments of the company’s business; the potable water and wastewater, wherein the company works to ensure the sustainability of potable water. Through water transmission and distribution networks, through tanker filling stations, or through ship transportation to marine areas. This commitment includes all activities necessary for sustainability, such as planning, construction, development, operation and maintenance of networks. It also includes adherence to all relevant health and quality standards to ensure the safe supply of drinking water to customers. Speaking on sanitary field, he said that the company is working to collect wastewater from buildings through a sewerage network or tanks for treatment or disposal in an environmentally friendly manner. Wastewater is treated and treated water, muddy sediments and other by products are disposed. Water transmission of treated water is carried out in accordance with the approved systems and agreements, he added.

Strategic programmes

Speaking on the company’s strategic programmes, he said that the company works in accordance with six strategic programmes includi9ntg setting and execution of the assets management programme, water control programme , data quality programme and merger of information through the systems and the contracts and procurement programme. He said that the company has set its first strategic plan 2027 -2023 which is established on development of the company’s values, mission and vision along with the company’s objectives, plans and strategic initiatives. He said that the company has been keen for the participation of the biggest number of employees in the review of the strategic plan to ensure thart5 it is consistent with Oman Vision 2040.

Customers Service

Al Zakwani said that the company pays due care and attention for boosting the quality of service and achievement of the customers satisfaction, where the pre-paid meters would be launched in 2024, which would facilitate payment of dues and charges. The company is also working on development of database of the customers as to understand the patterns of their usage of water and then to establish multiple channels for serving customers.

Quality, health, safety, security, laboratories and environment

The company accords due attention and care to the fields of health, safety and environment as to ensure achievement of zero-accidents level and where the company succeeded in executing its operations without lost time injury in 2023.

Operational efficiency

Al Zakwani added that the company is working to ensure operational efficiency and service sustainability as to ensure water meets the Omani specifications and standards for drinking water through testing samples of water at different sites according to a specific time schedule and to timely respond to the inquiries and calls of customers on quality of water. The company has also accorded, since the launch of its operations, optimal significance to detection of any waste or leakage of water and has used the mo0nitorintg system through the use of drones, where such cameras of drones could manage to dertect5 any waste or leakage of water, he said. The company has qualified and trained a specialised team to detect the water leakage through monitoring by drones, he added

Abdullah bin Salim Al Rasbi, Chief Executive Officer of the company’s projects said that Nama Water Services continues with its works in execution of several strategic projhect5s of water transmission li8nes between the governorates of the Sultanate and initiation of i9ntegrated systems for water transmission within the efforts for achievement of the man plan of the water sector to cover 98% of the Su8lt5anat5e’s population in terms of the direct water networks service by 2040. The total investments in the transmission lines amounted to over OMR 500, 000 for the length of over 800 kilometres, he added.

Water Transmission Line from the desalination plant in Sohar to the wilayats of Al Dhahirah Governorate

This project is considered one of the most important strategic projects for water transmission and for the first time, the works has ben carried out for execution of the new tanks of this project , which was opened in 2023. The cost of the project exceeded OMR 150 million where the project included a water transmission line from the desalination plant in Sohar to Al Dhahirah Governorate for the length of 230 kilometres along with constructio0n of 15 tanks with storage capacity of 451 thousand cubic metres.

Boosting the water transmission system to Al Dakhiliyah Governorate

The completion percentage of the project amou8nted to 91% and the project will be opened in 2024. The project aims to strengthen the current water transmission system as to meet the growing demand for water, whether domestic demand or demand for industrial establishments, as well as the growing demand for water by tourist facilities, government and other development aspects until 2040. The total cost of the project exceeds 128 million Omani riyals. The project includes a new water transmission line for the length of 173 kilometres from the main pumping station in Al Khoudh, Wilayat of Seeb to the wilayats of Al Dakhiliyah Governorate. The pro0ject also inclu8des the design works and execution of a strategic tank with the capacity of 350, 000 cubic metres between the Wilayat of Sumail and the Wilayat of Izki. The project also i9nclu7des the design and execution of five balancing tanks at the pumping stations with the capacity of 12500 to 2000 cubic metres along with the design of five new pumping stations.

The strategic line project for governorates of South and North Al Sharqiyah

Work is going on for execution of the strategic project for strengthening the water transmission line between the Governorate of South Al Sharqiyah and the Governorate of North Al Sharqiyah at cost of OMR 125 million. The project starts from the new water desalination plant with the capacity of 80 thousand cubic metres a day at Asila area in the Wilayat of Jalan bani Bu Ali in South Al Sharqiyah Governorate and ends in the Wilayat of Al Mudhaibi, where the project feeds the wi9layats of the two governorates. The completion percentage of the project is 85% and is expected to open in 2024. The project includes water pipelines for the length of 312 kilometres and construction of four new pump[i9ng stations besides three existing pumping stations and construction of 17 water tanks with a total capacity of 265 , 000 cubic metres.

Strengthening the water system between the desalination plants of Barka and Sohar

Work of the strategic project for strengthening the water transmission system between the wilayats of Barka and Sohar is well progressing and the comp0letio0jhn percentage of the project reached 98% . The cost of the project is OMR 86 million and is expected to open in 2024. The project provides water to all wilayats of the two governorates and enhances the interchange link between the water desalination plants in Quriyat, Al Ghubra, Barka and Sohar. The project includes installation of water pipelines for the length of 140 kilometres and construction of three pumpi9ngb station to strengthen the pumping and with operational capaicty of 238 , 000 cubic metres a day from the new water pumpi9ng station in Barka towards the main tanks at Oman logistics and the tanks of the wilayats of Barka, Al Suwaiq, Al Musana, Al Rustaq and Saham.