Oman, UK express deep concern over ongoing escalation in Palestinian territories

Oman Sunday 22/October/2023 19:55 PM
Oman, UK express deep concern over ongoing escalation in Palestinian territories

Muscat: Sayyid Badr Hamad Al Busaidi, Foreign Minister on Sunday received a phone call from David Lammy, Shadow Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs, Member of Parliament in the United Kingdom (UK).

During the telephonic conversation, the two sides touched on the tragic events taking place as a result of the Israeli military and security escalation against the Palestinian territories and the Gaza Strip.

They expressed deep concern over the ongoing escalation and continued killing of children and civilians, as well as the demolition of buildings and facilities.

The two sides stressed the need of de-escalation as an urgent priority and allow the flow of relief and humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip.

They also underscored the importance of refraining from targeting civilians and innocent people and spare them from further human suffering resulting from illegal military operations.

The two sides reiterated the significance of forging a just political solution to the Palestinian cause based on the rules of international law.