More residents, citizens are visiting this mall in Oman

Energy Thursday 28/June/2018 13:32 PM
By: Times News Service
More residents, citizens are visiting this mall in Oman

Muscat: Muscat Grand Mall (MGM) has announced a significant increase in the number of visitors this year as compared to the previous year. The e-system for tracking visitors' numbers recorded an increase of 20 per cent by the end of March 2018, compared to the same period last year.

Hassan Jaboub, CEO of MGM said, "We are pleased with the recent statistics of the E-Visitor Monitoring System, which has confirmed a 20% increase in the numbers of visitors as compared to last year. This proves that we are on the right track to meet the needs of our visitors and respond to their expectations, and even exceed them.

"Our main aim at MGM is being able to influence visitors to keep returning to the mall each time. This can be achieved by renewing or adding to their experience each time, be it with a new brand joining the mall, organising recreational activities for visitors of all ages, or even through the exceptional range of offers that are present all year round," he added.

MGM recently announced the opening of a wide range of world-class fashion and beauty brands to complement popular existing stores. Additionally, the mall also saw the opening of VOX cinemas in the premises.