Muscat: An imprisonment for 16 months has been charged against an employee in a ministry for embezzling an amount of more than OMR 66,000, State Audit Institution ( SAI ) said.
According to what was revealed in the annual report issued by the State Audit Institution ( SAI ) , an employee in a ministry misused his position by using fuel filling cards and embezzling an amount of OMR 66,642. Accordingly the accused was convicted of misdemeanor theft and sentenced to 16 months imprisonment and restitution of the embezzled amount of OMR 66,642 to the Ministry.
The report also stated that an accountant in a contracting and procurement section in a ministry was suspected of requesting and receiving a bribe. He exceeded the limits of his position and failed to perform his job duties. The total benefits obtained by the employee amounted to OMR 20,957.
Accordingly the two accused were convicted and sentenced to three-years imprisonment. The first accused was sentenced to a fine of OMR 20,957, removal from office and prohibition from assuming public office.
In the same context, SAI stated that an employee in a government company embezzled an amount of OMR 14,400. Accordingly, the accused was convicted and sentenced to five-year imprisonment, a fine of OMR 14,400, restitution of embezzled amount, removal from office and deportation from the country.