Oman’s charitable institutions doing wonderful work

Oman Saturday 19/August/2023 20:24 PM

Muscat: The world today is witnessing realistic challenges and many problems that have left many effects resulting from natural disasters, wars and epidemics that still claim millions of lives every year.

And because humanitarian work is not limited to material aspects or those related to sudden global emergencies, it goes beyond that, to what is represented in psychological support and providing aid to those in need of that help in various countries of the world.

The United Nations launched a record humanitarian appeal in 2023 worth $51.5 billion to support 339 million people around the world, and this comes in line with World Humanitarian Day, which falls on August 19 of each year.

The Sultanate of Oman has harnessed all its efforts at the international and local levels, through official and other social bodies that play their roles according to well-studied plans to work on.

Among the institutions that represent Oman in its humanitarian missions abroad is the Omani Authority for Charitable Activities, which was established in 1996 to pool the efforts of civil work represented in charitable and professional societies, Omani women’s associations, charitable teams and humanitarian work activities.

The Omani Authority for Charitable Activities has been able to expand its activities and its services year after year, and built a prestigious position for itself locally, regionally and internationally. It has been able to achieve its desired goals for which it was established, whether inside or outside the Sultanate of Oman.

The United Nations stated in a report that a record number of people in need of humanitarian assistance this year amounted to 339 million people in about 68 countries, an increase of about 65 million people over the year 2022.