Muscat: His Majesty Sultan Haitham bin Tarik today issued Royal Decree No. 53/2023 on the promulgation of the Labour Law, after presenting the same before the Council of Oman.
Article (1) stipulates that provisions of the Labour Law attached to this decree shall be enforced.
Article (2) instructs the Minister of Labour to issue the Executive Regulation of the attached law, as well as the decisions necessary for the implementation of its provisions. Till such time, the existing regulations and decisions shall continue to be applied without prejudice to the provisions of this law.
Article (3) stipulates that those addressed by the provisions of the attached law shall adjust their conditions in line with the law’s provisions within 6 months from the date of its enforcement.
Article (4) cancels the Royal Decree No. 35/2003, as well as all that contradicts the attached law or contravenes its provisions.
Article (5) says that this Royal Decree shall be published in the Official Gazette and enforced from the day following its date of publishing.