Muscat: Only six articles of the Social Protection Law, issued today, Wednesday, by Royal Decree, will be effective from tomorrow, Thursday, 20 July, 2022. Here are its details.
The Royal Decree promulgating the Social Protection Law included the setting of January 1, 2024, as the date for the implementation of the Social Protection Law, with the exception of a number of articles, which are: 72, 75, 76, 77, 83, 84. These will be implemented starting tomorrow.
What are the details of the articles that are being implemented tomorrow?
Article 72: Elderly pension is entitled to everyone who has reached the age of the elderly. The regulations indicate any other controls related to the end of the service of the insured for the entitlement to the elderly pension.
Article 75: The insured may request early retirement that is not subject to deduction rates in the following cases:
1- An insured man has reached an elderly age. (According to the law, the age is 60 years)
2- An insured woman attains an age less than the age of the elderly by (5) years.
3- An insured person working in a hazardous or arduous work environment has reached an age less than the age of the elderly by (5) years for men, and by (10) years for women, provided that the period of service in such a line of work is no less than (20) years, in accordance with the provisions of Article (79) of this law.
4- An insured person in military or security agencies attains an age less than the age of the elderly by (5) years, provided that the period of service in those agencies is not less than (20) years, in accordance with the provisions of Article (79) of this law.
5- An insured person with disabilities attains an age less than the age of the elderly by (10) years, provided that his actual service period during disability is no less than (15) years, in accordance with the provisions of Article (79) of this law.
Article 76: The insured may request early retirement, subject to deduction rates after reaching an age that precedes the age of early retirement not subject to deduction rates by (5) years, provided that the service periods stipulated in Article (75) of this law are fulfilled for dangerous and arduous work, as well as for members of military or security agencies, provided that the number of years of active service is no less than (20) years for all categories, and (15) years for an insured person with disabilities.
In all cases, all groups are entitled to request early retirement subject to deduction rates upon completing (30) years of active service without requiring a specific age.
The number of years of service required for early retirement without requiring age shall be amended to the age of the elderly by adding a number of years equal to the increase in the age of the elderly.
Article 77: The insured may submit a request for early retirement, provided that he has an actual recorded service period of no less than (20) years prior to the date of issuance of this law, and that he fulfills any other conditions for retirement - if any - in accordance with the provisions of the previous retirement system before implementation of the provisions of this law, as an exception to the provisions of age and periods of service stipulated in Article (76) of this law. The years of service for this entitlement shall be compulsory if they are less than (20) years in accordance with the provisions of the system applicable to the insured before the issuance of this law, and shall not be included. This exception is the periods of service that were combined or purchased in the previous retirement system if they were conditioned on fulfilling a specific age or period of service before they were calculated in determining pension entitlements in that system, unless those conditions were met before the date of issuance of this law, without prejudice the rights acquired for those periods in the calculation mentioned in Articles (73, 74) of this law.
Article 83: The insured who is paid a pension - with the exception of the permanent partial occupational disability pension - shall be entitled, at the end of his service, to a lump sum pension reward for his period of service subsequent to obtaining the pension, unless the periods of service are combined in accordance with the provisions of this law. These are not disbursed, remuneration only after the age of retirement, subject to deduction, disability or death rates.
The reward for loss of pension is calculated by multiplying the subsequent period of service that starts from the date the provisions of this law come into force, by the average future value of the wages.
If there is a period of service prior to the date on which the provisions of this law come into force, the formula for calculating the reward for non-entitlement to the pension provided for in the previous retirement system - if any - is applied for that period, and according to the last salary before the date on which the provisions of this law come into force.
Article 84: It is not permissible to pay a reward for loss of a pension, a reward for replacing a pension, returning contributions, or the like, to the insured who has not been paid a pension. The insured’s rights established under the provisions of this law shall not be forfeited by the interruption of service periods.