Oman-based artist Gailani, who won 1st place at the ‘Show Your World’ international art competition in New York, has been invited to be a juror in this year’s New York competition, as an honour and recognition of his creative talent. Gailani’s work was the only submission from the Gulf that was considered. He had the opportunity to showcase his work, alongside 25 other artists from around the world, and to share his unique dialogue of creativity that drew inspiration from Oman.
“I felt that my legs couldn’t hold me. I felt like I was flying. To exhibit in New York City and win a prestigious art award was the biggest dream of mine, and to do it from a country that nurtured my art talent filled me with gratitude,” said Gailani.
After receiving global exposure, Gailani embarked on a new mission, to encourage and raise awareness of the importance of exhibiting Omani talent in art hubs of the world, such as New York and London.
During his time in New York, he spoke to the organisation’s founder, Natalie Burlurtskaya, in a bid to collaborate with Oman and explore Omani talents in the field of fine arts. He has contacted local artists and urged them to submit their work for the exhibition, hoping to provide opportunities for young artists in Oman.
“What I also loved about doing this was that it started the conversation on Oman and the art that happens here,” said Gailani, adding “Usually, New York crowds have heard of Art Dubai or Abu Dhabi Art, but not Oman.
“It has become my mission to inform all young Omani’s to participate in global art platforms, and I’ve contacted some airlines to seek special rates for Omani artists shipping their works,” said Gailani. Gailani noted that Oman is represented when he takes part in exhibitions abroad. He has true pride, which makes him a role model for the nation in the arts.
“I was so glad to have in my hand an Omani flag. As a member of the Omani Society for Fine Arts and founder of successful art retreats in Oman, I had a lot to educate the audience about, especially the growing art scene and the use of social media in Oman,” said Gailani. “I talked about the huge underground scene of young Omani talent that are really on par with the west in their avant-garde approach,” he added.
Gailani is determined to provide opportunities to fellow Omani aspirants and give them a push towards international success in the arts. Among his future plans is to create a talent management forum, or organisation, to manage portfolios and send submissions to events that are available to exhibit in throughout the world.
—[email protected]