Won't be easy to achieve GDP growth target of about 5%: Chinese Premier Li Qiang

World Tuesday 14/March/2023 13:42 PM
Won't be easy to achieve GDP growth target of about 5%: Chinese Premier Li Qiang

Beijing :  China's new Premier Li Qiang has expressed his resolve to rebuild the country's economy, while admitting it would not be easy to achieve the GDP growth target of about five percent, Japan-based NHK World reported.

The remarks by Li came at a press conference after the National People's Congress closed on Monday. He was elected to the post during the annual session. The premier pledged to faithfully carry out his duties behind the strong leadership of the Communist Party's Central Committee with President Xi Jinping at its core.

He said it will take a lot of effort to meet the economic growth target of around five percent and that the government must make stability its top priority and do what is necessary to achieve an overall economic recovery, NHK World reported.

He promised to do his best in rebuilding China's economy which has been set back by the coronavirus pandemic.

Li also expressed hopes for a growth in demand and tech innovation while eradicating and preventing risks.

He gave assurances that the government will help private entrepreneurs grow and thrive amid a slowdown in the tech sector brought about by China's tightened controls over the past several years.

He said China welcomes investors from around the world, saying that opening up is a basic state policy.

On China-US relations, the new premier noted that President Xi and US President Joe Biden had reached a consensus during their meeting last November, and that needed to be transformed into actual policies and concrete actions. At the meeting, the two leaders agreed to cooperate on global challenges and on the need to ease strained relations, NHK World reported.

According to Li, when China and the US work together, there is much the two sides can achieve. He said that encirclement and suppression are not advantageous for anyone.

Li Qiang became China's premier on Saturday after being nominated for the post during a session of the 14th National People's Congress, Global Times reported.

Chinese President Xi Jinping nominated Li Qiang for the post of premier during the ongoing first session of the 14th National People's Congress.

Li Qiang replaced Li Keqiang who became premier in 2013 with high hopes that he would usher in liberal reforms. But his power was curbed by Xi, who increasingly sidelined Li Keqiang and placed allies in key strategic positions over him.

Qiang who joined the Communist Party's powerful Politburo Standing Committee in October, is considered a novice in China's complex central government administration encompassing 31 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions, according to Nikkei Asia.