Ministry announces major educational reforms for Oman

T TV Tuesday 28/February/2023 11:24 AM
By: Times TV

The Ministry of Education confirmed that a systematic plan will be implemented, starting from the next academic year (2023/2024) in vocational and technical education. This will be in accordance with best international practices, the directions of national plans and the needs of the economic sectors. The implementation will be a gradual process in accordance with the directives of the Council of Ministers. Director General of Curriculum Development, Dr. Yahya Al Harthy explained to Oman News Agency that all students in Oman have the right to compete for vocational and technical education in the post-basic education stage (eleventh and twelfth grades). However, initially the application will be limited to students from areas close to the experimental schools. Dr. Yahya is in charge of the Center for Educational Measurement and Evaluation at the Ministry of Education.