
World commends Oman’s efforts in combating COVID

Oman Sunday 12/February/2023 19:41 PM
By: Times News Service
World commends Oman’s efforts in combating COVID

New York: The Sultanate of Oman government’s efforts in controlling the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has been praised by Ted Chaiban, Global Lead Coordinator for COVID-19 Vaccine Country-Readiness and Delivery.

Chaiban also lauded Oman’s ability to recover from the pandemic at various levels and sectors.

He expressed the international community’s aspiration to get Oman’s cooperation in the fight to eliminate the disease and limit its impacts in all countries.

Chaiban conveyed the commendation to Dr. Mohammed Awadh Al Hassan, the Sultanate of Oman’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations, when Al Hassan received him on Sunday. During the meeting, the two sides reviewed developments related to the COVID-19. Chaiban pointed out that the world learned a lot from COVID-19 and has become more prepared to address the pandemic and other diseases.

He underscored the significance of countries’ cooperating with each other and helping less developed, more impacted countries facing serious challenges, like Yemen and other countries in the Middle East.

Oman recorded around 399,449 confirmed cases and around 4,500 deaths, according to the World Health Organization.                      — With inputs from ONA