
Pakistani community in Oman extends its gratitude to His Majesty

Opinion Sunday 27/November/2022 20:44 PM
By: Ameer Hamza
Pakistani community in Oman extends its gratitude to His Majesty

Muscat: Heartfelt congratulations on the auspicious occasion of celebrating the 52nd Anniversary of the Sultanate of Oman.

This is how the days return and the Sultanate of Oman receives the 52nd glorious National Day and celebrates the victories it has achieved in all political, social, economic, cultural and religious fields internally and externally. Proceeding to accomplish of the glorious Renaissance from the initiative installed by the late His Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Said bin Taimour — may his soul rest in peace — and since the activity of life continues, His Majesty Sultan Haitham bin Tarik has received the flapping flag of the country and led the ship of the country to the land of stability and safety .

Each leader has a unique personality, personal vision upon the issues, a feasible approach, and a philosophy stemming from his own vision. Therefore,  His Majesty has set a line of work compatible with Oman vision 2040. Fairly reviewed many laws related to the internal affairs, such as re-structuring ministries, grooming political institutions on rational bases, and expanding the employment of Omani manpower in a remarkable way in all state institutions. The Omani citizen acquired many leading positions and took a positive part in the development of the country.   

One of the tasks of His Majesty Sultan Haitham bin Tarik, May Allah protect and preserve him, and his guiding philosophy was to eliminate unemployment and exploit the youth’s resource in building modern Oman. This is through expanding agricultural projects, expanding the area of agriculture and establishing factories along the vast land of Oman. In addition to establishing ports to facilitate the movement of exports and imports, and building major projects that promote the Sultanate and steer it to the top of the countries.

The wise leadership has been active in consolidating the bonds of love, friendship and cooperation with the Gulf States and in strengthening this relationship through field visits, as the Sultanate has witnessed mutual visits between  His Majesty to Saudi Arabia. He received a  very hospitable reception that expresses the depth of the relationship between the two neighbouring countries. This resulted in a number of agreements and memorandums of understanding. This was pivotal for cooperation in various  economic investments  and establishment of joint projects, that will enhance benefits and common interests to bring about prosperity and growth to the people of the two countries.

Also, His Majesty visited the brotherly states Bahrain and Qatar on historic visits, to bring forth many agreements and participation in the field of industry, agriculture and railways between the neighbouring countries and cooperation for the bilateral benefit of the countries. In addition, the Sultanate participated in the Climate Conference, COP27, in Egypt, and drew up an internal plan for the Sultanate to reduce the rate of heat radiation emission, eliminate pollution in the Sultanate’s space so that it becomes a model of pollution-free space.

We also do not forget the visit of His Majesty to Great Britain, keeping in view the historic relations between the  two countries and that  concluded into joint bilateral agreements.

The foreign policy
This is the most vital field, as it defines the positive image of the Sultanate’s philosophy, its external activity and the calibre of its dealings with Arab countries in particular and foreign countries in general. It has offered great services to European countries by returning many of its citizens detained by some other countries he has made commendable efforts to do so, in addition to its firm philosophy of not interfering in the internal affairs of countries no matter what happens.

It has achieved current successes that reveal the effectiveness of this philosophy. Consequently, positive relations continue, whether with the Arab countries through their active role in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), the European Union (EU), or America and China. In view of this neutral position and confidence in its policies, most foreign countries resorted to ask them to intervene to solve the difficult problems, and perhaps the most prominent of these positions appeared on the political arena, as extensive efforts made to end the devastating war in Yemen. Especially this affects the Omani citizen directly, due to historical ties between the two people.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs does not hesitate to exert intensive efforts to put an end to this deteriorating situation, and to solve this tragedy in a satisfactory way for all parties.

Internal policy
An observer of the Sultanate’s progress after the Sultan of the  took over the reins of power, he notices his great endeavour, tireless activity, fruitful work and enlightened thought in all fields related to the land of the Sultanate. The responsibility was solemn, the challenges were serious, the hopes were wide, and the aspirations were elevated,but the will is hefty, the determination is young, the ambitions are shinning and the stars are on the move, as the poet Al-Mutanabbi says:

Firm resolutions happen in proportion to the resolute,
And noble deeds come in proportion to the noble.
Small deeds are great in small men’s eyes,
Great deeds, in great men’s eyes, are small.

The wise leadership, therefore, resolved to deal with the immediate problems wisely, patiently and rationally through experts rather than by improvised or spontaneous methods in order to make the results successful and feasible. We can articulate the most important achievements made by the Sultanate in the last two years and that have become tangible facts on the ground for the citizen and the resident. It is certainly fair to endorse the state’s efforts and services for both the citizen and the resident.    

On this occasion on the behalf of the entire Pakistani community residing in Oman, we extend our gratitude to His Majesty Sultan Haitham bin Tarik, on the blessed Renaissance journey he is leading. We pray to Allah the Almighty to support him to achieve his hopes and aspirations for the Renaissance of Oman its due progress and rightful place that it deserves. May God bless Oman’s people with honour and glory. We wish the Sultanate continues with prosperous success.