Book on Sri Lanka and Oman relations launched

Oman Monday 29/August/2022 21:25 PM
By: Times News Service
Book on Sri Lanka and Oman relations launched

Muscat: A new book “Sri Lanka – Oman Relations: Past, Present and Future“ chronicles the age-old ties between the two countries and tries to see their future, according to its author, the ambassador of Sri Lanka to Oman, O. L. Ameer Ajwad.

The 164-page book, which is published by the Black & White Media and Services LLC, was launched on Monday at the Diplomatic Institute of Oman’s Foreign Ministry.

Gracing the occasion as the chief guest, Sheikh Khalifa Al Harthy, Undersecretary of Diplomatic Affairs, Foreign Ministry of Oman, officially released the book in the presence of senior officials of the Omani foreign ministry, ambassadors, diplomats, representatives of the Sri Lankan community in Oman, and the media.

This book is a “testament not only to the strength of Oman-Sri Lanka friendship, but also the Sri Lankan ambassador Ameer Ajwad’s strength of character and the enthusiasm and diligence with which he undertakes each and every one of life’s pursuits,” Oman’s foreign minister, Sayyid Badr bin Hamad Al Busaidi, said in his foreword to the book.

“Sri Lanka and Oman’s diplomatic journey spans just over four decades. However, the tales in this book show that our bonds go back centuries, if not millennia, into the mists of time.”

Ameer Ajwad presents a comprehensive review of collaborations between our countries, from hockey to fruit, international Tea Day to cricket tournaments, fisheries to technology.

“His book demonstrates that every step of our countries’ journey together has been underpinned by a deep-rooted connection between our peoples,” Sayyid Badr commented.

The objective behind this book is to “reinvigorate the past, highlight the present, and to chart pathways for the future by providing relevant information with a view to fostering deeper economic engagement between the two countries”, Ameer Amjad said in the book’s preface.

“The book sketches Sri Lanka and Oman relationship in five chapters that bring out its past, illustrate its present and forecast its future,” the ambassador added.  The book was released to mark the 40th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Sri Lanka and the Sultanate of Oman which was commemorated on February 17, 2021.