Washington: Digital distribution service Google Play for its 10-year anniversary has received a log revamp as Google has slightly tweaked its overall shape.
According to The Verge, the most notable changes are the less vibrant colours that more closely match the green, yellow, blue, and red hues that Google uses for many of its other services. It's a subtle adjustment that also complements the new Chrome logo updated earlier this year.
We're introducing a new logo that better reflects the magic of Google and matches the branding shared by many of our helpful products -- Search, Assistant, Photos, Gmail and more," explained Tian Lim, VP of Google Play.
The new logo and iconography also mark 10 years of Google Play after it was rebranded from the Android Market in 2012.
"A decade later, more than 2.5 billion people in over 190 countries use Google Play every month to discover apps, games and digital content and more than 2 million developers work with us to build their businesses and reach people around the globe," said Lim, as per The Verge.