Khasab: A ceremony was held on Tuesday by the Royal Oman Police (ROP) to celebrate the opening of the Police Command in the Governorate of Musandam, Khasab Police Station and graduation of police recruits in a ceremony held under the patronage of Gen. Sultan bin Mohammed Al Nu'amani, Minister of Royal Office.
Present at the ceremony were Lt. Gen Hassan bin Mohsen Al Shraiqi, Inspector General of Police and Customs, ministers, officials, commanders of the Sultan’s Armed Forces (SAF), senior officers at ROP, military and security units, sheikhs, dignitaries and citizens.
The chief guest inspected the first column of graduates. Then, the column of graduates paraded in front of the main dais. After that, the chief guest handed over awards of excellence to top graduates.
Then, the graduates chanted the ROP anthem, took the oath of loyalty and proclaimed thrice "Long Live His Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Said", the Supreme Commander. After the parade of graduates, Gen. Al Nu'amani accompanied by Lt. Gen Al Shraiqi and attendees unveiled the commemoration plaque declaring the opening of the Police Command Building.
The Minister of Royal Office also opened Khasab Police Station. He toured the station during which he viewed its devices and equipment to facilitate services rendered to citizens, residents and visitors.