Ask Dr Gerry: How to deal with anxiety

Lifestyle Sunday 03/January/2016 12:44 PM
By: Times News Service
Ask Dr Gerry: How to deal with anxiety

Dear Dr. Gerry,
I am in a state of high energy and feel very anxious and nervous. We have to move and have only 3 months, I have been crying so much to say goodbye to my friends, but I understand this has to be done, we have to go where the work is. The trouble is we don’t know where we are going or what school I will have and that is why I am so anxious. If only we knew it would be alright, at least better. Sometimes I feel I am going to pop with so much feeling in my head, and I can’t even think about how to say goodbye. Please help me Doctor as it is too stressful! –Srinda

Dear Srinda,
Life is a journey and change always brings anxiety especially when we are not sure about our future. It’s normal to feel down and worried. Unfortunately the only thing constant in life is change. So how do we deal with it? Life is asking you a question. If change is constant and we need to deal with it, try changing your perspective. Yes there is stress in change but there are also new experiences and adventures out there waiting for you. Try to concentrate on the positives. Say the good byes, take down the contact information of your friends and be thankful for the good experiences you had. True, life is bringing change but its bringing new opportunity, it’s time to take the next step in life and grow.

Dear Dr. Gerry,
Since there is a financial crisis in every sector owing to the oil slump, my company is resorting to cost cutting. I don’t know whether I will lose my job or not. There is a chance that I may have to go. I am also trying for some jobs back home, but nothing works out. Many a night I am laying sleepless, thinking of my family and kids. The tension mounts so that it is creeping every minute. Please advise me. — Robin D’cruz

Dear Robin,
The uncertainties in life bring anxiety. We all have responsibilities and fear facing life without the security of our job. Don’t get overwhelmed with the situation. Put in place a series of steps that will help you cope with the transition. Financially, we need to have reserve money that can help us tide over this period. We need to prepare the family and look at options of stay and schooling for the kids in our home country. Naturally we need to keep looking for jobs but be a little patient here. Relax my friend, an opportunity for change comes. There’s a lot to be thankful for, the kindness and happiness of our experiences and the job security of 10 years. Change sometimes is difficult but can also the harbinger of growth and prosperity. So stay positive and keep your faith strong. Life’s waiting, let’s go say hello.....

(Dr Gerry D’Costa has an MD in psychiatry and a special interest in the areas of anxiety, depression, addiction, and children’s psychiatry. He has practiced as a specialised psychiatrist at Badr Al Samaa hospital in Ruwi for the last 9 years. Dr D’Costa offers advice and professional insights to the readers of Times of Oman.) Send your mental health questions to