“(It is) the month of Ramadan in which the Qur’an was revealed as a guidance for mankind, clear proofs giving guidance, and the Criterion (for distinguishing right and wrong)."
Reading or learning the Holy Quran will help you to discover the right path in your life. It will give insight into how to live with a purpose to serve Almighty Allah.
Those who have been reading the Holy Quran during Ramadan, get into the habit of reading it daily even when Ramadan is over. And if you have not been very regular in reading it then take out time from your busy schedule to read the Holy Quran daily.
While there are many ways to learn Quran, the most effective method is join online Quran classes. One of the most important good deeds is sharing the knowledge that Allah the Almighty has blessed us with. Whether in religion or in our respective lives, try to build good relationships with those around you.Offer them what you have learned during Ramadan. You would be surprised to know how rewarding the deed is.
Fasting Health tip
Avoid processed foods
Processed foods contain refined carbohydrates such as sugar and white flour or fatty food like cakes, biscuits, chocolates and sweets.