Muscat: Ten students from Indian School Al Ghubra (ISG) — Aditya Kamath, Anaiz Naushar, Ansh Chandna, Anushree Gupte, Meghna Mishra, Nafisa Zuhra, Prerna Ravi, Rupsha Debnath, Unnati Asher and Vidhika Shah — took part in the Global Young Leaders Conference, held at Washington DC and New York City, held from 3rd July, 2017 to 13th July, 2017.
Three ISG students were also chosen to be on the main leadership team at the Global Summit, that was conducted in the United Nations Headquarters in New York City.
Rupsha Debnath led the Leadership Team and the 340 delegates, and delivered the official closing ceremony speech. Anushree Gupte was elected the Deputy Chair in the Leadership Team, and facilitated speeches and votes on the resolutions by the delegates at the Global Summit. Aditya Kamath was elected as an 'Assembly Manager' and assisted the delegates at the Global Summit to present their point of view.
This year's participation marked the 20th anniversary of ISG's attendance at the Global Young Leaders Conference.